Multi AI Agent Systems with CrewAI

Last night I received a newsletter from DeepLearning.AI, related to four very short courses on the topic of Generative AI especially in the context of autonomous agents. I immediately jumped on the first one related to CrewAI, which is a framework for building autonomous agents in a multi-agent environments.

Course: Multi AI Agent Systems with crewAI by DeepLearning.AI and crewAI

The course name could potentially be clearer as ‘Multi-Agent AI Systems with crewAI’.

The course takes at most one hour even when you involve running notebooks. Examples are great and content is very comprehensive. It is a very good starting point for me to learn about this multi-agent workflow.

Even if you are not planning to spend time on Generative AI, I recommend the course. The time investment you make is worth it. By the end, you will have a better understanding of the potential future enabled by this technology.