An OCPP Log Analyzer on OpenAI Platform

If you have to deal with charging stations for electric vehicles (EVs), you probably are aware that the handling and processing of logs in Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) can be problematic. For this reason, I created a OCPP Log Analyzer: A dedicated custom GPT to make handling these logs easier.

What is OCPP Log Analyzer?

OCPP Log Analyzer is a generative model that was fine-tuned for this purpose to make the analysis of OCPP logs easier. The project is powered by OpenAI’s GPT models to give insight, identify patterns, and provide solutions out of data in OCPP logs. It is a perfect tool for developers and everyone else dealing with the EV charging.

Key Features and Benefits

  1. Automated Log Analysis: OCPP Log Analyzer brings automation in these processes and helps quickly identify key events, errors, and anomalies.

  2. Pattern Recognition: The model is trained to spot patterns and trends in data and give valuable insights for both performance and usage information related to charging stations.

  3. Error Detection and Problem Diagnosing: With the latest intelligence embedded to process nature in languages, OCPP Log Analyzer can now detect and explain errors in logs.

Why OCPP Log Analyzer?

As the EV charging systems becomes more complex, easier data analytics tools must be implemented. OCPP Log Analyzer will be one of the tools that will help anybody handle mmostly garbage data in a more efficient way.

I hope this tool is as useful for you as it is for me! For any further questions regarding or additional information on OCPP Log Analyzer, feel free to reach out to me.